Monday, November 28, 2011

Private or Public?

  I began blogging simply to keep my distant family members up to date on the happenings in our particular, our adoptions.  However, in the past year I have often wondered whether I should make my blog public.  So far I have been able to share almost anything because I know who views my blog.  A part of me would like to keep it that to say almost anything.  Yet, a part of me would like to make it public.  I know what a wonderful help and inspiration other open bloggers have been to me and I know I would meet more online friends.  Still I am afraid.  Afraid that certain people, known critics, would have too much of a view of my life.  Afraid I will share too much info, and thus make my family vulnerable.  I would love some feed back on this....



Paige said...

I have never had an issues with my blog being public and when I do open up about issues, those are the posts that most people appreciate the most.

You do have to be careful what you say, but at the same time, your family is your family and that is something to be proud of!

Marie said...

Thanks ladies!