Monday, November 16, 2009

Morgun's 8th Birthday!

My baby boy is 8! Its sad and exciting at the same time! Sad, because I never get to spend enough time with Morgun, exciting because he is becoming such a gentleman! Morgun adores his older brother, and will generally pick the same things Alex picks, whether it's clothes, toys or birthday cakes. I usually insist that I make a different cake for each of them. This year Morgun REALLY wanted a ship as well and I couldn't say "no" to a boy with beautiful blue puppy dog eyes. Morgun gave detailed instructions as to where each "lego guy" should be positioned. As you can see the drama on this birthday ship is indeed captivating!
I think this cake turned out a little better than Alex's. I used a different icing, NutriWhip with a couple tbsp of icing sugar added. It was much easier to ice this cake and it didn't look all dry by the time I served it. And its not disgustingly sweet!

Malia loves cake and enjoyed the boys' birthday partys, even though it was very noisy! She has become obsessed with her birthday and couldn't understand why we were not making a cake for her and buying her gifts. Every day she would cry when we told her she would have to wait. After about a week she finally understood that " Malia's Happy Happy to You long time". She still talks about her birthay numerous times a day. And she loves to point out that "Morgun and Alex birthday all done!" I love this picture with the icing all over her face and even coming out of her nose! That part is rather gross, but thats life!


Paige said...

Wow, another birthday!!! I love this cake. And I also love the new picture of the kids... doesn't it amaze you to look at them sometimes together and know that they are all yours!!

Marie said...

Yes, Paige I am amazed that they are all mine. With 2 I always thought I had a very small family and now with 3 my family somehow seems much larger. Kathy, sometimes I think Malia feels like every day is exciting! Its so neat to see her so excited about things we take for granted.