Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Flights are Booked!!

Yes!! Our flights are booked for July 16th. We will be returning on July 31st. Hopefully everything goes as planned this time. We're still waiting for our itinerary. We still haven't told our boys when we will be leaving. Alex is totally stressed out and not sleeping well. He's been having night terrors. Not fun!! I think we'll tell them a week or so ahead of time.

1 comment:

Paige said...

Yeah! That is so exciting! Skype should work for you and Alex can see you all the time! Night terrors aren't any fun. I bought a little gift for each of my kids each day we were gone, something that would keep them somewhat busy and distracted. Grandma then kept them busy making signs for when we came home. Just little things that make them feel like they are apart of it all too! I also made a big calendar for them to mark off the days until we were home and it also showed where and what we were doing each day. Just some ideas, maybe he won't be so worried then...